
Me, The Internet & Seniors

                      H i there! It's me Aarsh Srivastava, a computer science undergraduate. I have written this blog here on, assuming it is going to reach out to most of our juniors whom I might have/have not interacted with. I have also assumed that most of you are in grades 3-4 and are caught playing games most of the time. And it's totally fine to read this blog even some of you're in higher grades.  Whatever you will read below is all about my personal experience. An experience that has taught me something valuable. I know reading a blog might be boring for y'all especially when a blog contains a hell of a lot of paragraphs. Keeping this in mind, I have emphasized my experience in two major points. SCROLL DOWN PLEASE!   ⦿   Internet: Making it one of my friends A ccording to my observation , with growing digitalization where you can find at least one smartphone in almost every house, still, kid...


MEMES What is a meme according to you? A digital content that has humor right? Yes! undoubtedly but humor can spread happiness & peace. Nowadays, some morons who claim to be dank memers have changed the definition of memes. They make upsetting & cruel kinds of stuff by mocking god, acid attack victims, physically/mentally disabled ones, or a particular community. Doing this, they think themselves cool & western. Though they go through many aggressive comments on such posts they don't care about someone's sentiments & they really think themselves cool doing that. They make such things on the acid attack victims or physically/mentally disabled because they might not have witnessed their own loved ones suffering from the same problems. I question them if you really think you're cool & making things that people should appreciate instead of reporting them then send them to some big meme pages to publish. Will they publish? Haha, Nope...Never! Why? because the...


     DO GHOSTS EXIST? (PIC COURTESY - GOOGLE) The answer to the above heading is "nope". Since way back, scientists & psychologists claim that there is nothing called a ghost. Some people who claim to have seen a ghost or any paranormal activities are the victims of  hallucination   (A term for seeing, hearing, or experiencing things that do not exist) or i nattentional blindness.    WHAT IS AN INATTENTIONAL BLINDNESS? - The brain's picture of reality sometimes includes things that aren't there. But it can also miss the things that are there. This is called inattentional blindness. Confused right? Want to know-how inattentional blindness works? Watch the video that is attached below before you keep reading. ( Count how many times the players wearing white pass the basketball. )                                                 ...