Me, The Internet & Seniors

H i there! It's me Aarsh Srivastava, a computer science undergraduate. I have written this blog here on, assuming it is going to reach out to most of our juniors whom I might have/have not interacted with. I have also assumed that most of you are in grades 3-4 and are caught playing games most of the time. And it's totally fine to read this blog even some of you're in higher grades. Whatever you will read below is all about my personal experience. An experience that has taught me something valuable. I know reading a blog might be boring for y'all especially when a blog contains a hell of a lot of paragraphs. Keeping this in mind, I have emphasized my experience in two major points. SCROLL DOWN PLEASE! ⦿ Internet: Making it one of my friends A ccording to my observation , with growing digitalization where you can find at least one smartphone in almost every house, still, kid...